🌿Introduction & Credits

Query sqlite via http - and remote clients too!

This is a rewrite in Rust of ws4sqlite, 30-50% faster, 10x less memory used, more flexible in respect to sqlite support. It is not a direct rewrite, more like a "sane" (I hope) redesign. You can read more about what's changed and how to migrate here.

sqliterg is a server-side application that, applied to one or more SQLite files, allows to perform SQL queries and statements on them via REST (or better, JSON over HTTP).

Possible use cases are the ones where remote access to a sqlite db is useful/needed, for example a data layer for a remote application, possibly serverless or even called from a web page (after security considerations of course).

Client libraries are available, that will abstract the "raw" JSON-based communication. See here for Java/JVM, here for Go(lang); others will follow. For now, the libraries are the same as ws4sqlite, that are largely compatible with sqliterg as well.

As a quick example, after launching:

sqliterg --db mydatabase.db

It's then possible to make a POST call to http://localhost:12321/mydatabase, e.g. with the following body:

    "transaction": [
            "statement": "INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (ID, VAL, VAL2) VALUES (:id, :val, :val2)",
            "values": { "id": 1, "val": "hello", "val2": null }
            "query": "SELECT * FROM TEST_TABLE"

Obtaining an answer of:

    "results": [
            "success": true,
            "rowsUpdated": 1
            "success": true,
            "resultSet": [
                { "ID": 1, "VAL": "hello", "VAL2": null }

πŸ₯‡ Credits

Kindly supported by JetBrains for Open Source development

Last updated